WHO IS ELIGIBLE: One-, two-, or three-person teams are eligible as long as one participant is a Lake Ponderosa property owner. Fishing can be on a boat with a registered sticker or from land, but proof of ownership will be required and verified with Ponderosa Utilities.
DAY OF THE EVENT: May 18, 2024 from 7:00 am – 1:00 pm, CST
SPECIES OF FISH: 4 Categories: Bass, Walleye, Catfish and a combination of Crappies/Bluegill/Perch.
LIMITS FOR EACH TO BE ENTERED: Bass: 2; Walleye: 2; Catfish: 2; Crappies/Bluegill/Perch: 5. There will be prizes for most weight in each category. Tie-breaker will be biggest (live) fish length; second tie-breaker will be biggest (live) fish weight.
PREPARATION FOR THE EVENT: Boats will be checked for a working live well. All other features, such as safety devices, are required by the State of Iowa.
ADDITIONAL RULES: Rod and reel only. No jugs or set lines. Any tackle, live or imitation, will be permitted. Fishing from boat or from shore will be allowed, again adhering to eligibility.
ENTRY FEE: $50 for 1-person teams, $75 for two-person teams, and $100 for three-person teams.
REGISTRATION: Forms will be available on the GIVE Foundation website:
PAYMENT: You can pay online on our website:
PRIZE MONEY: First place prize in each category will be $100.00, based on total weight of live fish. Second place prize in each category will be $75.00 based on total weight of live fish. In case of a tie, the winner will be determined by the longest (live) fish length. Second tie-breaker winner will be determined by the biggest (live) fish weight.
BIGGEST FISH PRIZE: $50.00 gift card in each category.
All proceeds will go to the GIVE Foundation.